The developer has not uploaded a AURORA_FLIGHT yet...

[Note: This game contains ads]

TIPS: Try Flying Straight First

Basically, if you don't make any input, the plane will fly mostly straight. Experiment with different controls and gradually get used to piloting the aircraft.


A thrilling fighter jet action game that you can enjoy on both smartphones and PCs. "Aurora Flight" is a fighter jet simulation game set on an unknown planet, inspired by the "Ace Combat" series. As Javelin, the leader of the Phalanx Squadron, you will engage in aerial combat with alien aircraft alongside your wingmates, Spear and Lance. Experience breathtaking dogfights with realistic flight mechanics and strategic battles.

Update! (December 26, 2024, around 10:00)

We’ve rolled out an update! Here’s what’s changed:


  • Stages 1 to 10 are now available!! This marks a significant milestone in the story! We're calling this "Beta Version 1" and will continue improving the game and adding more stages in the future. So many elements have been added and adjusted that we can’t list them all—please give it a try!
  • The title has been changed!!


  • Clouds may appear or not. The cause is still under investigation—our apologies. It seems they appear after the game has been running for a while...

Gameplay Tips

Keep an Eye on Altitude and Speed

Controlling potential energy (altitude) and kinetic energy (speed) is crucial in aerial combat. When you pitch up, your speed decreases but you gain altitude—and vice versa. Mastering this principle will help you maneuver effectively in relation to your enemies. And don’t forget to avoid crashes!

Fire Missiles from Directly Behind Your Enemy

Missiles track the enemy’s direction, but firing randomly won’t guarantee a hit. If you’re not behind the enemy, don’t waste missiles—wait until you’re in an advantageous position. Head-on attacks can work too, but beware: you’ll also be vulnerable to enemy fire.

Protect Your Allies

Your wingmates, Spear and Lance, will call for help if they’re targeted by enemies. If they take too much damage, they’ll retreat from the battle. Having more allies in the fight gives you a significant advantage, so make sure to protect them!


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(3 edits)

Is always good to see people making Ace Combat-like games. Still, this one has a lot of work ahead:

-Controls are mostly terrible. Pitching and releasing the stick makes itbounce like a rubber ball. Same goes for yawing. Going guns feels impossible because of that, so you might feel like waiting for your missiles to reload.

-Enemies are guaranteed to use flares every first time you fire a missile on them and will do it again as soon as their flares reload. Not only that, but their reload feels quite fast compared to the player's.

-Upgrades and weapons take away the score multiplier. A target worth 1.000 points might lose nearly half of its value if you equip perks. If points will play an important role in the game, then it means players can't add better gear for better performance on harder stages without being punished for doing so (and the game gets quite unbalanced pretty quickly).

-Different missile types will cause different amounts of damage, but given the sheer amount of enemies on screen, that alone breaks the game even on lower difficulties. that's a second punishment added to the already existing one on your score. basically, every missile except for the first two are useless because of how low their damage actually is. Considering the flare spam of enemies, as well as their large numbers, latter missiles must be more powerful despite their special abilities.

-Flares take an eternity to reload even with the increased reload perk, and mobs will mostly target the player's fighter. Maneuvering won't work most of the time to dodge so, if enemies are on to you, you might as well give up.

-There's no pause screen or any other way to return to the menu to swap weapons. If you want to go back, lose a get the game showing your failure on screen once again.

Overall, it's an unbalanced game with god awful controls. Honestly, this one is a pass for me.
















ただし、「their reload feels quite fast compared to the player's」とありますが、これは間違いです。敵のフレアのリロードはプレイヤーと同速でリロードされています。











「every missile except for the first two are useless because of how low their damage actually is. 」とありますが、これは誤りです。







まず「mobs will mostly target the player's fighter.」ですが、これは誤りです。敵戦闘機は、状況に応じてどの戦闘機をターゲットするかを判断しています。



















Thank you for your comment. It seems you have played this game to a considerable extent, so I will reply in Japanese to avoid any misunderstandings in subtle nuances. After this Japanese reply, I will include an AI-generated English translation. I appreciate your understanding.

First, let me clarify: this game aims to strike a middle ground between the more “fictional” style of something like Ace Combat and the “realistic” style of a flight simulator. Hopefully, understanding this will help make sense of the following points.

1. Regarding “the controls are terrible”

In real aircraft physics, when you pitch or yaw, the aircraft’s orientation and airflow velocity can separate (airflow separation). The aircraft is controlled by this state. Now, if you suddenly return the stick to neutral in such a situation, what happens? The aircraft’s orientation tries to stabilize itself relative to the airflow velocity, causing it to “bounce” back as it returns to a stable angle. This phenomenon is considered plausible based on many flight sims and pilot testimonies. The “no-bounce” controls of an Ace Combat–style game are, in other words, more “fictional.” Key countermeasure: Don’t abruptly release the stick. Similarly, machine guns (gun pods) rarely land hits in reality. There is a real-world example where a fighter jet ran out of missiles and tried to shoot down a drone with a machine gun but failed to score any hits. We designed this element as a high-difficulty, high-skill feature. Perhaps in Ace Combat, there is some form of aim assist or larger hitboxes that make it easier to land shots. We decided that approach is not “realistic,” so we didn’t implement it. Conclusion: This game’s physics-based approach leads to more “realistic” aircraft behavior.

2. About “the enemy’s flares”

Naturally, enemies have flares as well. If they have them, they’ll use them—that’s our idea of “realistic” gameplay. You mentioned “their reload feels quite fast compared to the player’s,” but that’s incorrect. The enemy’s flare reload time is the same as the player’s. This impression likely arises because:

  1. There are simply more enemies, so the total number of flares being used is higher.
  2. You may be subconsciously assuming “the protagonist should be stronger than the enemy,” especially if you’re used to Ace Combat. Conclusion: From our viewpoint, their behavior aligns with this game’s “realistic” combat design.

3. “Upgrades penalize your score”

The objective of this game is “to aim for the highest score.” Therefore, more powerful aircraft come with a score penalty. However, that doesn’t mean a strong aircraft can’t get a high score. It’s balanced by two aspects: Clear Bonuses and Endurance Stages.

  • Clear Bonuses are awarded based on mission completion time or special conditions. A stronger aircraft can potentially aim for higher clear bonuses.
  • Endurance Stages (Missions 5 and 10) spawn endless waves of enemies, so a strong aircraft can defeat them more efficiently and aim for a higher score. Conclusion: The scoring system is set up this way precisely because “reaching a high score” is the core goal of the game.

4. About “the special missiles being too weak”

You mentioned “every missile except for the first two is useless because of how low their damage actually is,” but that is incorrect. Each missile is designed to excel in certain situations. For example, the 8-warhead missile might have low damage per warhead, but it can multi-lock onto 8 targets simultaneously, effectively forcing the enemy to use up 8 flares in one go. That is an extremely powerful feature. Similarly, highly maneuverable missiles or gun missiles are extremely effective against advanced enemies (like bosses) that consistently evade normal missiles in the late game. Conclusion: Special missiles offer high utility in specific circumstances.

5. “It’s impossible to evade enemy missiles”

You mentioned “mobs mostly target the player’s fighter,” but that’s incorrect. Enemy fighters decide which target to attack based on the situation. If you feel like you’re getting focused fire, it may mean you’re too far ahead or have poor positioning. This game values strategy such as analyzing the radar, finding blind spots, and maneuvering around the enemy to create advantageous conditions. To evade missiles, you must use beam maneuvers, barrel rolls, or high-G turns.

  • Beam Maneuver: Move perpendicularly to the incoming missile’s path.
  • Barrel Roll: Roll + pitch-up simultaneously to spiral away.
  • High-G Turn: Pull high G forces during a sharp turn (though note that “High-G Turn” here is different from Ace Combat’s concept). Enemy missiles have the same performance as your own. This is somewhat “fictional” in the sense that we didn’t choose the Ace Combat style of quickly demolishing enemies in a more arcade-ish way. Rather, it’s designed so that not being targeted in the first place is a crucial tactic. Conclusion: We encourage a playstyle where you avoid letting the enemy get a missile lock on you in the first place.

6. “There’s no pause menu”

Yes, it’s definitely inconvenient to have to lose and return to the title screen. We plan to address this in an update. We apologize for the inconvenience. Also, returning to the title might trigger ads. Unfortunately, since this release is essentially a trial version for the commercial product, that’s difficult to avoid. Conclusion: We acknowledge the issue and intend to fix it in an update.

Overall, many of your comments stem from the fact that this game is designed as a middle ground between a “fictional” Ace Combat–style game and a “realistic” flight simulator. We hope you understand that’s part of our game’s unique flavor.

Thank you for your candid and passionate feedback. More updates are planned, so please stay tuned!

thank you! !  Unfortunately there was no model

I Really like this! Really cool! But It would be nice to fly an F-18